We want you to know and have control over what data you share with us and what we do with them. The Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use and share your personal information when you use our website. By using the website, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect
As part of providing our services, we may collect the following personal data, depending on the functionality you use:
When you make a purchase from our website: Contact details such as email address, billing and shipping address, telephone number, name and surname, country and city.
When you create an account on our website: Contact details such as email address, billing and shipping address, telephone number, name and surname, country and city.
When you sign up for our newsletter or other marketing communications : Email and name.
When contacting us with a question, comment or complaint:
The personal information we may collect includes your name, email address, shipping address, billing address, phone number.
We may also collect information about your browsing activity on our website, including the pages you visit and the products you see, and what products you put into your favorites.

We do not have access to your full bank card details as we apply strong security and encryption standards!

Why we collect them
We may use your personal information for the following purposes:
For processing and fulfilling your orders
To contact you about your orders and provide customer service
To send you marketing communications about our products and services
To personalize your shopping experience on our website
To improve our products and services
For compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

Sharing your information
We may share your personal information with third-party service providers that help us fulfill orders and process payments (Stripe payments, Paypal Payments, card payment via a Greek bank). We may also share your personal information with law enforcement or other government agencies in response to a subpoena, court order or other legal request.

We use cookies to collect information about your browsing activity on our website. This information can be used to personalize your shopping experience. You can read more about cookies on the “Cookie Policy.”

Your rights
You have the right to access, correct and delete your personal information. You may also object to the processing of your personal information or request to restrict the processing of your personal information. In any case, please contact our technical team by email.

Data security
We take appropriate measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure or misuse.

How long we keep them
We retain the personal data of registered users for as long as they retain their account. The personal data of unregistered users arising from their interaction or from their order without registration, are kept for a period of at most two months after their last visit to the website.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make significant changes to the policy, we will notify you by email or posting a notice on our Website.

Personal Data Contact Details
If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or how we handle your personal information, please contact our technical team by email.

Last updated: 14-03-2023